National Arts Associations

Comedians Association of Zambia

The Comedians Association of Zambia is an affiliate under the National Arts council of Zambia responsible for all forms of Comedy. The current President is Cheelo Mwanachingwala

National Association for Media  Arts

The National Association for Media Arts is an affiliate under the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for film. The current president is Mrs. Bridget Malumba

National Visual Arts Council

The National Visual Arts Council of Zambia is an affiliate under the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for Visual Arts and Crafts. The current President is Mr. Lombe Nsama

National Theatre Arts Association of Zambia

The National Theatre Arts Association of Zambia is an affiliate of the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for all forms of Theatre. The current President is Mr. Eric Kasomo.

Zambia Folk Dance and Music Society

The Zambia Folk Dance and Music Society is an affiliate  under the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for traditional dance music and registers groups of traditional dance and music. The current president is Ms. Irene Ngoma

Zambia Women Writers Association

The Zambia Women Writers Association is an affiliate under the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for Literary Arts. The current President is Agnes S. Nyendwa

Zambia Popular Theatre Alliance

The Zambia Popular Theatre Alliance is an affiliate under the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for Community Theatre. The association registers Community theatre groups. The current President is Mr. Philip Kaluba.

Zambia Association Of Musicians

The Zambia Association of Musicians is an affiliate Association under the National Arts Council of Zambia responsible for music. The associations registers individual musicians and groups. The current President for ZAM is Mr. Davison Munsanda

Zambia Arts Adjudicators Panel

The Zambia Arts Adjudicators Panel is an affiliate Association under the National Arts Council responisible for offering constructive critism on the different Art forms. The current President is Mr.Buster Tembo.